My Sisters Wedding
I couldn't be happier for my sister. This past weekend she had the most beautiful wedding up in the hills of the East Bay. Everything went absolutely perfect. The ceremony had a beautiful view that overlooked all of San Francisco and the Golden Gate Bridge. Harper and I got there a little early to help set up and coordinate all the table arrangements. My sister has always been super organized, so there was nothing stressful about the setup. After a beautiful ceremony we were treated to the most amazing sunset. It was so great to be with family and celebrate love and happiness. Congratulations Camille. I only got a few shots from the evening, but these were some of my favorites. I can't wait to see all the shots the photographer took that evening.
Meaghan the Maid Of Honor
Father and Son
My adorable Nephew and his GF
Great to be reunited after a long time
Such a beautiful venue!
I thought table Twelve had one of the best views of the night
My sister wore the same wedding dress my Grandma made my Mom on her wedding. It was perfect.
We had an amazing time!